Tuesday 21 March 2017

Losing Weight Affordably with Nutrisystem Lean 13

Reaching your weight loss goal isn’t a sprint—it’s a steady jog that brings you across the finish line at your own pace. But when you start the journey, you want to know right away that you’re making progress with your smart choices. Waiting weeks or even months to see a difference can be so discouraging. “Studies have shown that early weight loss is a predictor of long-term success,” says Courtney McCormick, MPH, RDN, LDN, Nutrisystem Corporate Dietitian.

With the all new Lean13 weight loss program from Nutrisystem, you move right into the fast lane and begin passing milestones immediately. Lean13 is a quick-start weight loss plan designed to help speed up your results from the outset. In a clinical study, subjects lost up to 13 pounds and 8 inches overall in their first month on the Lean13 plan.* This is two times the weight lost by subjects dieting on their own. (Still not sure why DIY diets don’t work? Check out this article on the subject).

“Our clinical research allows us to guarantee these results,” McCormick says.

The key to the power of Lean13 is the boost you get from the Turbo Takeoff when you begin the program. To help you start strong, you’ll be set up with all of your meals and snacks during the first week, including:

7 days of specially selected breakfasts, lunches and dinners
7 TurboShakes™ packed with protein and probiotics to support digestive health and help bust belly bloat
7 NutriCrush® bars that crush hunger with the protein and fiber you need to stay satisfied between meals
Along with the meals, you get a specially designed Daily Tracker log to help you record and maximize your results. Plus, you get FREE access to NuMi, our helpful, easy-to-use weight loss app. (Find more about NuMi here). Along the way, you’ll have a professional support team, with comprehensive counseling options from trained weight loss coaches and certified diabetes educators available seven days a week.

After completing your first week, you’ll move on to your Nutrisystem meal plan for the next three weeks, as the weight continues to drop. You could say Lean13 is your perfect pace-setter for winning weight loss, starting you rapidly on the path to your goal and supporting you all the way to success!

Check out how Lean13 stacks up against a typical American diet in this great infographic, then click to GET THIS DEAL NOW!

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